Architecture as energy

We believe architecture to be the physical manifestation of ideas. At their base, ideas are energy that can be of a low, or high vibration. High vibrational architecture (ideas and therefore energy) has positive flow on effects, much the same way that high vibrational emotions such as love and happiness will have positive affects on your life and reality. True high vibrational architecture creates a space within space, an environment that acts as an instrument with the potential to perform an infinite number of functions, largely separated from the self imposed restrictions of the physical mind. However, the perceived strength of the instrument is often dependent on the vibration (ideals) of the inhabitants/participants. The function of the instrument largely relates back to the original seed idea (energy) inherent within the design. It can help to enhance personal healing, help to channel universal information, help to channel guidance and help to break though illusion. Yet in reality, the potential is endless, with the only limits being your own personal self-restrictions.

Sacred Geometry

The possibilities held within the realm of sacred geometry are limitless. They can easily extend as far and as wide as what the human mind can imagine, as every element, thought and idea is inevitably linked to one another, no matter how unrelated at first they may seem. A word, which embodies an idea, can physically manifest into physical form using number and proportion. The art
of sacred geometry makes use of a sacred canon of number, a compilation of important values and ratios, that all have recurring relationships found in many seemingly unrelated places, therefor taking an infinite variety of perfected forms. Sacred Geometry is the strongest driver and a vital component to our work. Every number, therefore every line and space, inherently has an important and powerful meaning.

Creating high vibrational space

To create an instrument with the inherent energy as described above, many forms, materials, geometries, sound, colour and light must be carefully selected and then added together in the correct proportion to produce spaces that have a positive and unique energetic influence. Every plant, animal, material, thought and emotion vibrates, therefore emitting a distinct energy. For a person to energetically heal, they are required to raise their own vibration. One way to begin to raise your vibration is to surround yourself with elements of higher vibration. If designed to be an energetic instrument, architecture can be a powerful healing tool that can have a profound positive energetic influence on a person and their reality.

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Architecture as energy

We believe architecture to be the physical manifestation of ideas. At their base, ideas are energy that can be of a low, or high vibration. High vibrational architecture (ideas and therefore energy) has positive flow on effects, much the same way that high vibrational emotions such as love and happiness will have positive affects on your life and reality. True high vibrational architecture creates a space within space, an environment that acts as an instrument with the potential to perform an infinite number of functions, largely separated from the self imposed restrictions of the physical mind. However, the perceived strength of the instrument is often dependent on the vibration (ideals) of the inhabitants/participants. The function of the instrument largely relates back to the original seed idea (energy) inherent within the design. It can help to enhance personal healing, help to channel universal information, help to channel guidance and help to break though illusion. Yet in reality, the potential is endless, with the only limits being your own personal self-restrictions.

Creating high vibrational space

To create an instrument with the inherent energy as described above, many forms, materials, geometries, sound, colour and light must be carefully selected and then added together in the correct proportion to produce spaces that have a positive and unique energetic influence. Every plant, animal, material, thought and emotion vibrates, therefore emitting a distinct energy. For a person to energetically heal, they are required to raise their own vibration. One way to begin to raise your vibration is to surround yourself with elements of higher vibration. If designed to be an energetic instrument, architecture can be a powerful healing tool that can have a profound positive energetic influence on a person and their reality.

Sacred Geometry

The possibilities held within the realm of sacred geometry are limitless. They can easily extend as far and as wide as what the human mind can imagine, as every element, thought and idea is inevitably linked to one another, no matter how unrelated at first they may seem. A word, which embodies an idea, can physically manifest into physical form using number and proportion. The art
of sacred geometry makes use of a sacred canon of number, a compilation of important values and ratios, that all have recurring relationships found in many seemingly unrelated places, therefor taking an infinite variety of perfected forms. Sacred Geometry is the strongest driver and a vital component to our work. Every number, therefore every line and space, inherently has an important and powerful meaning.

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